90% of our brain develops before age six, and 75% even before age two. But how to utilize the early years, before it’s too late, without sacrificing your own work & social life?

Babies are born with infinite capabilities: more than anyone who has ever lived. But, right from birth, their abilities start declining, and the cost of not taking action can have a lifelong impact.

Babies are born with a clean slate of largely unconnected brain cells which rapidly form billions of neural connections after birth.

Thus, a child has only a small window of time after birth to develop foundational skills before the brain cuts off skills and abilities a child was born with because they weren’t developed fast enough.

So, how do parents make best use of this small window?

Below are the points on which every parent should work on to:

  • Help your child to become an happy.
  • Make Learning a lifelong passion for your kid.
  • Speed Reading: Early speed reading helps the child in reading entire phrases rather than words.
  • Encyclopedic Knowledge: inclucate in child from early stage.
  • Creative thinking, Art and Storytelling helps the child develop his interpersonal skills.